Category Archives: Options

Expert Daytrader Alerts: Master The Global Financial Markets

Follow Trades from the Experts – Daytrader Strategy Alerts Beat the Market!

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The Income Machine is driven by a comprehensive portfolio strategy approach that offers real value for investors of all experience levels —all for just $19 per month.

Our service provides a model dividend portfolio that can be used to generate high levels of retirement income in addition to a specialized selection of high-probability technical trading signals backed by solid fundamental analysis covering the most critical aspects of the financial markets.At its core, this combined strategy approach gives investors an option to manage investment portfolios in ways that can be passive or active in nature depending on each investor’s unique investment goals.

Income Generators work from the philosophy that these two complex worlds (shorter-term technicals and longer-term fundamentals) can coexist in ways that allow investors to beat the market and maximize returns over time.

Ultimately, we accomplish these goals using a time-tested tactical approach that identifies opportunities in several important asset classes while capitalizing on the market’s dominant trends as they are driven by shifts in trading sentiment.stock market - income machine

The Income Machine: What You Get With Your Subscription

  • Model retirement portfolio that includes 80 dividend stocks selected for long-term performance and a sustainable ability to generate reliable portfolio income for investors.
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  • An event-based trading portfolio that targets opportunities through shorter-term strategies based on rising trend momentum or contrarian scenarios favored by active traders.
  • Up-to-date chart analysis designed to provide investors with actionable entry and exit points that can be used to manage positions in several key financial markets.
  • Educational materials and discussions with the experts that are designed to aid newer investors in their understanding of unfamiliar trading concepts and market terminologies.
  • Active chat-forum discussions that can be used to strategize, collaborate, and identify new investment opportunities as they develop throughout the market —all in real-time.

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Tactical Investment Tools & Battle-Tested Market Strategies From Seasoned Experts

Decades worth of experience in the financial markets has taught us some important lessons. First, and foremost, is the fact that the odds are stacked against you as an individual investor.

Unfortunately, all of this means that the house is structured to win while the inexperienced majority loses its shirt. In essence, the market is cruel —and it takes no prisoners. For these reasons, we have identified an impressive collection of proactive investment strategies that can turn the odds back into our favor.

The Income Machine is designed to identify contrarian trades that might appear to be ‘dead in the water’ while uncovering long-term strategies that profit from market inefficiencies created by the prevalence of a ‘herd’ mentality that often characterizes the market.

Ultimately, the innovative and complex investment strategies generated by The Income Machine will give you the strategic tools every investor needs in order to separate from the pack and beat the broader market at its own game.

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Join our trading room today —and learn more about the types of tactical investment strategies that tend to generate high levels of success in modern markets.  Profit from more than two decades worth of financial markets experience that has consistently proven its mastery in a wide variety of asset classes!

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What’s The Difference Between Cash Dividends And Stock Dividends?

What Are The Differences Between Cash Dividends And Stock Dividends?

A dividend is the distributed profit by a corporation to its shareholders. This is how corporations give back to their investors as they contributed capital to its successful performance, and maintain a good rapport between them. Periodically, a corporation pays dividends with an amount that depends on each shareholder’s investment to the company. The decision in allocating a portion of retained earnings is developed by the Board of Trustees. The management shall agree to a decision if there must be an appropriated budget for the dividend payment or what kind of dividends shall be distributed.

Most corporations usually issue two types of dividends: cash dividends and stock dividends. Therefore, investors must familiarize themselves with these types of dividends because they will surely encounter both in the future. In this article, we are going to specify the distinctions on every aspect of these dividends in order to bring awareness of why corporations pay a particular dividend. Consequently, this will eventually help you utilize the knowledge to your advantage towards a successful investment experience.

What are Cash Dividends and Stock Dividends?

A cash dividend is a regular payment in the form of money taken from the retained earnings of the company. Normally, cash dividends are distributed quarterly after prioritizing the payment for the company’s outstanding debts. 

A stock dividend, which is also called as scrip dividend, is an allocation of a company’s additional shares originating from unissued shares. This type of dividend is being distributed instead of paying cash dividends to the shareholders if the company’s liquidity is low. Companies distribute stock dividends in order to repay their shareholders without spending cash. Therefore, companies are able to retain their assets and appropriate them for expansion purposes. 

Stock Market Calculations

The amount of cash dividend to be given on a shareholder is different from another shareholder depending on their number of shares since it is issued on a per-share basis. For example, if the Board of Directors declared $20 per share, an investor that owns 10,000 shares will receive $200,000 worth of cash dividend. Even if the cash dividend is stated at a specific percentage, the result will always be the same. Let’s say 10% is issued as a dividend on a $200 par value per share. The investor on the preceding example will still get the same amount of $200,000. 

The amount of cash dividend that investors will periodically acquire depends on how many times the company will issue annually. Using the previous example, the company pays cash dividends quarterly. Therefore, shareholders will receive $5 per share every 3 months. 

With the allocation of stock dividends, the retained earnings are being capitalized while shareholder’s equity stays unchanged before and after its declaration and distribution. The allotment of the stock dividend only expands the number of shares but does not affect the benefits nor the ownership of its shareholders. For instance, a corporation that has 300,000 shares declares a 20% stock dividend. As a result, a shareholder that possesses 3,000 shares from that corporation will gain 600 more shares. The shareholder that owns 10% from the shareholder’s equity will maintain its portion from it after earning a 20% stock dividend and the market price of the stock remains the same. 

A small stock dividend considers the distribution of additional shares of less than 25% chargeable to retained earnings at the market value. While the additional share of 25% is considered as a large stock dividend that must be charged at the par value. 

Advantages of Cash and Stock Dividend Acquisitions

Obtaining cash dividends will benefit investors whose goal is to earn cash regularly. Cash dividend-paying companies are obliged to pay cash to their shareholders regardless of the companies’ financial status. Therefore, investors must carefully pick the cash-dividend paying companies to invest in for them to ensure a permanent source of passive income. 

Through cash dividend, investors are also given the freedom not only to spend it for personal use, but they can also buy more shares from the same company and buy shares to another company concurrently. Shareholders who are willing to reinvest their cash dividend must undergo on a dividend reinvestment plan. Buying more shares is a wise way to earn more money in the future if you believe that the company and economy have the potential to grow. 

The advantage of gaining stock dividends instead of the cash dividend is that investors will not incur tax from its acquisition. However, receiving a stock dividend with a cash dividend option included is subject to tax. Investors can sell their stock dividends in exchange for cash. Due to the sale of the stock dividend, it will not be exempted from tax anymore.

Disadvantages of Cash and Stock Dividend Acquisitions

The liabilities of a company increase because it is paying out cash dividends to its shareholders. The companies that distribute cash dividends may either have enough cash flow to support its growth or just feel obliged to give back to its shareholders in order to gain their trust. If a company still pays out cash dividends while still having losses and outstanding debt, that’s already a sign of its financial instability. Instead of distributing cash dividends, companies could have allocated their cash for expansion purposes which may result in market price appreciation. Aside from that, the cash dividends earned by shareholders are subject to tax based on the amount received. 

Stock dividends don’t have any value for investors who are expecting cash from the company they capitalized on. For that reason, they are pressured to sell it even for an amount lower than the dividend’s market price. In addition to that, shareholders will incur costs and taxes from selling their stock dividends. 

Reasons Companies Issue Dividends

Cash dividends are issued by companies because they already obtained ample earnings. It is predicted that giving back to their shareholders will not affect long-term financial strength. These cash-dividend paying companies pay out cash because they might have a good financial position but has a limited capability to venture on expansion to spend their cash up.  Companies tend to issue stock dividends to their shareholders when it is not yet the right time to exhaust assets just to repay shareholders. These stock-dividend paying companies are just taking safety measures because they don’t want to inflict any harm to their liquidity.


Forex Traders: Advantages of Margin Trading

Forex Traders:  Advantages of Margin Trading

Forex traders that are looking for an edge in the market will have find ways of maximizing profit potential without limiting protection against risk.  This is often easier said than done but there are several ways that forex traders can grow profit targets in ways that ultimately benefit their trading accounts.  One of the ways of accomplishing this is through the use of leverage, which allows investors to increase their position sizes without increasing the amount of money that is available in a forex trading account.

Forex brokers tend to have different policies when allowing forex traders to implement the use of leverage in their trades.  In many cases, your forex broker will require a more conservative outlook and limit the amount of leverage to a multiple of 200 or less.  There are many reasons to explain why a forex company would do something like this, and so it is important to remember that trading is their business and that if you are not actively trading in the market their utility is largely reduced.  

New Forex Traders

This can be especially true for newer traders that do not have much actual trading experience themselves.  In these cases, it is critically important to begin with a forex demo account that allows you to place trades under real-time conditions.  If this is not something that is conducted in a proper fashion, you stand to risk more money than you really need to risk and this can really limit your ability to learn about the forex market in a meaningful way.

At the same time, you are in the forex market to generate profits and this is something that can be accomplished much more quickly when you are implementing the use of forex margin in your trading.  It is important to reserve the use of high leverage levels for times when the probabilities are largely in favor of your outlook.  So, for example, this is not something that should be done for those forex traders that are implementing scalping strategies or trading on the very low timeframe currency price charts.   There is less predictability when utilizing those types of strategies, so the use of forex margin and leverage should be reduced in those cases.  

Avoiding Trading Losses

For all of these reasons, the use of leverage in the forex market should be viewed as something that is highly advantageous but must be used with some level of caution as major differences in the market trade and trading outlook can quickly result in losses that should have been otherwise avoidable.  It is often a good idea to select a forex broker that has flexible margin levels so that you are able to tailor your trades in ways that are best suited for the current market environment.  


Australian Stocks: Options Trading in the ASX 100

Options markets have quickly risen in prominence over the last several years, and there are many reasons to explain why these trends have been seen.  Global markets are quickly adding many different trading instrument types in order to meet the needs of everyday investors.  

For those most focused on Australian companies, this will often mean establishing positions in the ASX options contract. These option types allow investors to gain market exposure to the stocks listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, which is one of the most interesting and dynamic stock collections in the world.

Just like bonds and mutual funds, trading options is a kind of investment portfolio strategy for sophisticated investors. Options are a derivative security type, with a price derived from (or dependent upon) one or more underlying assets. Working as a contractual agreement, options grant the rights of buying and selling those assets on or before a certain date and at a set price – known as the strike price.

CALL Options and PUT Options

There are two basic types of options: CALLS and PUTS.  With CALL options, the investor gets the right to buy a particular stock at a fixed price on a fixed timeline, but it is not an obligation to make the purchase. CALL options work like a future deposit. Within the expiry time, the stock can be bought at a fixed price (the strike price), and it does not matter if the market value of that stock has doubled during the timeline. This can help investors make big gains. CALL options are exercised when the market value of stocks seems to be going up in a bullish fashion.

With PUT options, investors have the right to sell a particular stock at a fixed price within an expiration timeline. Again, making the sale is not an obligation. This can be profitable in cases where the market value of the stock goes down while the investor can still sell it at the higher strike price. But for both CALL and PUT options, there is a set expiration date. After that, the right expires and all purchases and sales must be made at the actual market rate.

Options Premiums

A premium is the price/value of an option in options trading. It is the amount paid by the investor at the time the options trade is selected. Technically, the only potential risk for the buyer is to lose the initial premium amount paid for the option (in cases where the trader does not utilize his/her buying or selling right before expiration timeline). These premiums can range from narrow to wide bid/ask spreads, and are often quoted by market makers who build market activity in that specific option.

Expiration Date

Every option contract comes with an expiration date, which is the total life span of that contract. The right to buy/sell a stock is valid until that period of time. Expiration deadlines vary for different stocks and products. The premium is lost if the purchase/sale is not made within the specific time period.


KO: A Look at Coca-Cola Stock Ahead of Super Bowl

KO: A Look at Coca-Cola Stock Ahead of Super Bowl

  • Stock choices become increasingly difficult when S&P 500 is at record highs.
  • Seasons like Christmas to not spell the end of buying activity for consumer products.
  • Consumer surveys showing more bullish signs that you might think exist, when viewing valuations at Coca-Cola.

Stock markets have taken some turbulent turns over the last few months, as the post-summer doldrums have been anything but dull.  The SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSEARCA: SPY) and the SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (NYSEARCA: DIA) continue to press toward all-time records and generalized optimism has been the rising tide that has lifted all ships.  Investors looking to establish positions in these assets can use the MetaTrader platform through an MT4 broker, as this is one of the most efficient means of accessing the market that is currently available.

Chart View: SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSEARCA: SPY)

When we make our investment analysis in these central benchmarks, investors are most interested in finding opportunities that have been missed and one of the best examples of this can be found in The Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO), as broader consumer spending levels should become evident within the company over the next few months.  

While many investors are being distracted by the holiday cheer that typically accompanies the Christmas season, investors should be looking ahead to the next big consumer event.  This, of course, can be found in the media juggernaut that is the NFL Super Bowl, which will take place on Sunday, February 5th.

Chart View: University of Michigan Consumer Survey

When we are assessing the market reaction to these types of events, it is important to understand the macro foundations that go into determining whether or not consumer spending is likely to change in material terms.  One of the best ways of doing this is to assess activity in the University of Michigan Consumer Survey, which has now risen to 98.2 and the highest level in almost 15 years.  

Now, the importance of these types of trends can be argued from multiple directions.  But the reality is that we are seeing a material shift in the ways American consumers are likely to approach their everyday purchases.  In pure searches on the internet, terms like NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl consistently come in near the top of the list and it is important to understand that this is more of a seasonal event that it is a one-time viewing opportunity for advertisers.  

Chart View: Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO)

The company is commonly thought of as a perennial favorite of leading Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BKR.A) mind Warren Buffet, which in part is due to the KO’s handsome dividend yield (which currently stands at 3.36%).  This is a massive yield given the fact that we are still in a low-interest rate environment and in a weak state as far as GDP production is concerned.  

Stock Market Outlook

This means that investors are paid to wait for stock markets to realign themselves in ways that should favor consumer stocks like KO.  On the broadest level, it should be remembered that stock choices become increasingly difficult when the S&P 500 is at record highs.  In cases like this, it is essential to take a long-term view and identify the potential for growth before it happens.  

Seasons like Christmas do not spell the end of buying activity for consumer products, as some of the biggest consumer audience events happen in the months that follow.  All of this points to bullish signs that you might see when viewing valuations at KO, the stock could rally over the next few months.

A Brief Introduction to Gold & Silver Mining Stocks


A Brief Introduction to Gold & Silver Mining Stocks

Gold and silver mining stocks are extremely popular, and over the last decade, some of them have made investors millions. It’s important to understand what you’re getting into when you buy mining stocks, however, because some people mistakenly believe that they are buying ownership of physical metals.  Of course, most precious metals experts generally recommend that conservative investors buy gold coins as a means for gaining access to the physical markets.  It is also important to have an understanding of gold and silver mining stocks as this can be a good indicator of where physical gold prices will travel in the future.

What are gold and silver mining stocks?

Gold and silver mining stocks are shares of publicly-traded mining companies. These stocks usually represent an entire company, although it is possible to buy shares of specific mines. Gold and silver mining stocks do not represent real gold or silver, just as owning Coca-Cola stock doesn’t entitle you to grab a free Coke whenever you feel like it.

How do you buy and sell gold and silver mining stocks?

Gold and silver mining stocks trade the same way other stocks trade – you can find “miners” on the Dow, NASDAQ and S&P markets. You can use a stockbroker to trade mining stocks or you can opt to have a go at it on your own by using online stock trading platforms like Scottrade or E-TRADE.

What causes fluctuation of mining stock prices?

Gold and silver mining stocks’ prices fluctuate based very little on the actual spot value of gold. If anything, mining stocks can themselves have an effect on precious metal prices because successful mines could translate into a higher supply and low prices.

Screenshot 2016-08-26 at 12.49.55 AM

Chart Source:  Atlanta Gold & Coin

The opposite effect can also be true – if mines under-produce then a perceived gold shortage could cause prices to skyrocket. Gold and silver mining stocks also experience fluctuation based on how the company is run (as is the case with any publicly-traded company). Lastly, changing government protocols (such as new regulations, coups, takeovers, mine nationalization, etc.) can affect the price of gold and silver mining stocks.


We hope this tutorial has been helpful in growing your understanding of gold and silver mining stocks. You’ll need to do a lot more research before you’re fully prepared to make a mining stock investment, and we hope this article has provided you with a good foundation on which you can increase your knowledge, thus giving yourself a better chance of making a successful investment.

Dow Jones Investors: Technical Analysis Strategies in Daytrading


Dow Jones Investors:  Technical Analysis Strategies in Daytrading

The price-weighted average of the most 30 prominent stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ is known as Dow Jones. In general, the stocks with higher market caps are considered in Dow Jones trading and this is important information when we are looking for ways to capitalize on stocks in live markets.  

Dow Jones Daily Bar Chart


Figure: Dow Jones Technical analysis strategy

Trading the Dow Jones is pretty effective with RSI and 200-day moving average. Forex moving averages can be found using an effective forex trading platform like the software offered by easyMarkets.  Traders draw trend line and channel to find potential trade setup. Unlike another trading strategy Dow Jones is traded with breakout strategy. Traders draw proper channel and trend line in the daily bar chart and wait for confirmation signal in the RSI after the breakout.

Trading Channel Support

In the above figure sell signal was initiated with the breach of channel support. Traders take the confirmation from RSI value. Since a value of RSI was below 50, the sell signal was valid.

The second trade was initiated after successful completion of the triple bottom in the bar chart. Traders went long after the new higher High which was created just above the 200-day moving average. Before going long, make sure that the value of RSI is above 50.Remember that we will go long only if the price is above 200-day moving average and for short the price should be below the 200 days moving average.

Understanding Time Frames

When you are using technical analysis strategies like this, it is always important to consider the time frame you are using in your approach.  There are some differences in the ways that markets operate in the short-term and long-term perspectives, and these time frames tend to be most useful for certain types of trading styles.  If you tend to have a more conservative approach, then it is usually preferable to adopt a long-term trading strategy as this will allow you to avoid many of the short-term fluctuations in price that can be seen on a short-term day trading basis.  These are factors that should be considered before you make the decision to put live funds into the active markets.

What is a Chart Pattern?


When we are looking to make definitions as a concept, a chart pattern is a systematic up and down price structure which helps us to understand the basis scenario for technical analysis. For any technical analysis, the chart pattern changes according to time and environment. One can focus on this analysis by keeping the track of his chart patterns, as this will be helpful in real-time trading opportunities.  These are some of the patterns that are used be expert traders in PAMM trading accounts, so this is useful for forex traders of all experience levels.

There are several types of chart pattern which are as follows

1) Ascending triangles: – The continuous upward trend of the graph is often called an ascending triangle.

2) Descending triangles: – As from the word descending, any pattern which is downgraded so the graph is a reverse of an ascending is called descending triangle in term of technical analysis.

3) Head and Shoulders: – Head and Shoulders chart patterns can be defined as when a pattern which is in an upward trend and declines but again rises above the last peak and declines again. It is a popular chart pattern for long-term traders.

4) Pennant: – A continuation pattern in technical analysis which sees the rise in graph followed by consolidation period is called pennant. It generally happens due to large movement of stocks

5) Cup and Handle:  A pattern which resembles in the shape of a cup with a handle.

6) Systematic triangles: – A period of consolidation in terms of price movement is called systematic triangles

7) Double Top: – Double top simple means that a pattern in which a peak is touched and declines but rises again almost of the same height.

8) Rounding Bottom: – A ‘U’ Shaped pattern of the technical analysis series of price movement is called rounding bottom.

In present day life, the most reliable chart patterns are the graphical methods which make it easy to understand how trends will develop. The pattern helps to identify the trend. The formation of the pattern is made up of daily activities recorded by different tools.

What is Small A Cap Stock?

What is A Small Cap Stock?

To understand this term, we first have to know about the market capitalization of a company. In the Market, the total value of the outstanding shares of a company is called market capitalization.  In simple terms, total money available to the company on hand. The formula for calculating the market capitalization is multiplying the stock price by the complete number of outstanding shares.

For instance, if 20 million shares of stocks have been issued by a company with the current price of that stock $2 per share, then the market capitalization also abbreviated as Market Cap, of the company would be 40 million. Small Cap, as the name itself, suggests “stocks of a small company” that has the market cap under $2 billion.

In the stock market, the size of a company is not measured by the number of employees it embraces, but rather is decided by the total market value that company holds. Most people automatically assume that small cap companies always holds low stock value than what large cap companies holds. Similarly, nor all firms that have high stock values are always the large cap firms.

Why Small Cap Stocks are Not Considered Good in the Market?

  • Generally, they involve a higher risk of loss of the money that you have invested in it. Investors always think 100 times prior investing in the small cap stocks due to their small size that can come up with possible market fluctuations.
  • Stock prices are uncertain of course. They can go up or fall dramatically at any time as a result of a number of reasons like economic crisis or bankruptcy etc.

Advantages of Small Cap Stocks

Despite the disadvantages of small cap stocks, there is a flip side. There are also some positive factors that may lead investors to think twice over the investment plan in small cap stocks.

  • Investing in Small-Cap Stocks can sometimes turn into great potential of earning better profits in many ways than the big companies that invested in the Large Cap Stock.
  • Less Visibility in the Media: As smaller companies are likely to invest in Small-cap Stocks, they don’t get the enough media coverage and visibility. Some well-informed investors make the better use of this media coverage absence and take the benefits of best and attractive valuations which is often get neglected by broader market.

Benefits of Property Investments

Benefits of Property Investments

Investing in real estate is an old business which is regarded as one of the most lucrative investments particularly when urbanization is gaining so much momentum. There are lots of benefits in investing in property and asides making profits, the investor has the opportunity to acquire loans using it as collateral.

This particular investment is good for those that will like to have total control of their business. You will have the power and the will to decide on so many things including the value of the property. Though, real estate investment might takes a long time to appreciate in price but it still remains the most attractive venture all over the world. Benefits of property investment are many and here are few ones;

* It is a profitable investment that yields life-long returns if properly managed. Property investment is good for those looking beyond life after retirement and to secure financial incomes at the old age.

*Investors have full control in determining the price and the value of their property. The value of real estate appreciates year after year and this brings huge financial profits when selling or renting it out. The owner is solely responsible to place a price on his or her property in line with current value

* The property owner can solely decide on the mode of structuring or re-structuring of the property and how it should be maintained in order to elevate its value.

* It is a good way of putting fund into use for future gain. While investing in property is considered as an alternative to capital investment and diversification of investment, it has an advantage of recurring solid financial benefits in a long run.

However, real estate investors do not necessarily have to make every decision without proper consultation of real estate managers or agents. With adequate maintenance and good management, real estate business will remain a profitable ventures world over.